Media File Renamer Pro

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Media File Renamer Pro 5.6.2 Nulled

Media File Renamer Pro is a WordPress plugin that allows users to easily rename their media files. Here are some of the key features of the plugin:

1. Automatic renaming: Media File Renamer Pro can automatically rename media files based on a set of rules. This saves users time and effort, as they don’t have to manually rename each file.

2. Manual renaming: Users can also manually rename their media files using the plugin’s built-in renaming tools. This allows users to customize the file names to their liking.

3. Meta data renaming: Media File Renamer Pro can also rename the meta data associated with media files, such as the title, alt text, and caption. This ensures that the meta data is consistent with the new file name, making it easier to organize and find media files.

4. Bulk renaming: The plugin allows users to rename multiple files at once, making it easy to rename large numbers of files quickly.

5. File name suggestions: Media File Renamer Pro suggests new file names based on the existing file name and meta data. This helps users come up with relevant and descriptive file names.

6. SEO optimization: The plugin includes SEO optimization features, such as the ability to add alt tags to images. This ensures that media files are optimized for search engines, making it easier for users to find them in search results.

7. Undo and rollback: Media File Renamer Pro includes an undo and rollback feature, which allows users to revert to the original file name or meta data if they make a mistake.

8. Multilingual support: The plugin is fully compatible with multilingual plugins like WPML and Polylang, making it easy to rename media files in multiple languages.

Overall, Media File Renamer Pro is a powerful and user-friendly plugin that helps users organize and rename their media files. Its automatic renaming, bulk renaming, and file name suggestion features make it a popular choice for businesses and individuals looking to improve their media management workflow. Its SEO optimization features and multilingual support also make it a great choice for those looking to improve their website’s search engine visibility.


How to Install

⦿ Download the zip file Then Upload it To Cpanel:
If File is Theme “Upload it to” (public_html/wp-content/themes)
If File is Plugin “Upload it to” (public_html/wp-content/Plugins)
⦿ If needed password is always :GlobApps
Note: It doesn’t mean that we illegally give you a file and
we encourage you to do so but we provide it for you to get
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